Yes, most of us dream of housing in RDO, I believe. It's only natural, given that we may get tired of sitting out in the mud all day and night. Sure, we have tents, but they are hardly even waterproof, and you can't have a moment's peace at the camp, ever.

Here I will write up some wishes I have for housing and the possibilites around it.

First of all, we should be able to own as many properties as we can afford.
And there should be different style homes to choose from. Perhaps you want a small cabin, or a mansion in St. Denis. Maybe you even want a small apartment in St. Denis, or some proper real estate in Blackwater or Strawberry.

Any home you come across in your journey with a locked door should/could be a potential home.

Any estate you can enter/have missions in/pick up loot in etc cannot be used, obviously.

NOTE: This site is picture heavy, as I wish to showcase just how many assets are in the game.

Quick summary of wishes for homes:
- Being able to craft/cook
- Pantry
- Being able to make gold core stew
- Coffee and drinks
- Bath tub, bed, sitting area
- Wardobe
- Fast travel
- Dog/cat that may bring stuff to you (fossils, treasure, perfect small animals/birds++)
- Crafted items (rugs, blankets, skulls, bones etc) and collected items on display (orchids, fossils, flowers, tarots)
- Fun stuff like phonograph + collectible music, instruments to play, mini games,




You should be able to make a stew/food that gives you gold cores, like Cripps' specials. However, you should also be able to create your own recipies.
Why not just let us go wild? There could be variables, where as you minimum needed 3 food items, and depending on XYZ, you would need anywhere between 1-5 of items to make a gold core stew.

Either way, I also think we should be able to cook food too, like the meats and all that we do at campfires, but inside.


For the love of God, let me empty my damn pockets!!!!!
I dont need all that stuff in my pockets, but I would LOVE to be able to go home and store the two million canned salmons I keep on me at all times.
I would love to actually keep a pantry where I could put items and check what I have, and to put back in my pockets if I wish. It could be stored by dry goods, canned, fresh food, etc.
This would make it more immersive too, so you'd plan more what to bring with you on a long journey, for example.
Additional bonus would be if we could cure meats, that would be amazing, but that's a sidenote anyway.


I hate the fact that we dont even have a coffee pot in our damn camp, what the hell? I gotta make a random ass instant-cup to just chug down...instead of a pot brewing at any time? GAH.
I wish we could have a home where we could have a coffee pot brewing, and either whiskey/beer (or both, idk) and maybe something stronger. If you had the moonshiner role, you'd have free moonshine at home,
if you did not have the moonshiner role, maybe you could buy a jug off someone else! That'd be pretty cool.


In conclusion, kitchens should let you make gold core stew, cook food, include a pantry, coffee pot and other drinks.



Not much to say here, but I want a wash basin (like the wash barrel we have at camp and moonshine shack) and a TUB!!
Let us clean up, god damnit! A bonus would be if you added something to the bath, like maybe
mint, or ginseng, sage, feverfew, currant etc, maybe you could get golden rings after taking a bath. And you could choose to do only 1 to get 1 ring, or to choose 3 different things and get all 3 rings golden.
But the golden rings would only "top up" if you actually take a bath where you scrub your body as in story mode. You cannot just dip in and dip out.

It would also be cool if you could upgrade your bath. Maybe you started out with just a normal tub, and then you could uprade to your choice, if you wished for a fancier design.
You should also have a wardrobe either in the bathroom or bedroom. It would be in the bathroom in any house that lacks a bedroom separate from the livingroom, perhaps.



Perhaps not all homes had a bedroom, in such cases, the bed would be in the livingroom,
and the wardrobe either in the livingroom or bathroom, if there is one available.

Sleeping could either simply be for immersion, and the same as resting at camp - or it could be that it would cure a snakebite, fill your core, and your golden cores would be suspended - they would be in "pause"
when you're sleeping. It would be a nice way to just get some rest while the player stretches their legs for a minute.
You should be able to decorate your room/bed as you wished. Maybe your character is content with a simple cot, or maybe they want a really luxurious bed. You should also be able to have Gus make you rugs and blankets.
Who wouldn't want a nice sheepskin across their sofa, or a panther or bear rug, etc.


So, we've arrived at the living room. Maybe your home is large and has many rooms to offer, a study, a hall, a dining room, etc. But for the sake of ease, we will focus on a living room.
I will write wishes here that may fit other rooms better, simply because not all homes would have these rooms, and the room may be large or small, etc.

I think the living room (or living room + study + dining room +++ any room you wish) should have various optional furniture to choose from.
Sofas, chairs, rugs (or crafted rugs from Gus). You should be able to have a fireplace or a heating stove if you wish. If you have a small table with 2 or more chairs, you could have various minigames.
Chess, chinese checkers, dominos, card games, and many other games that were available in the time period.

For decoration, you should be able to hang for example animal skulls, taxidermy animals/fish, collectable flowers (or just other in-game asset-flowers), maybe you have a fossil you'd like to display, orchids, etc.
For those that like music, you should be able to purchase a phonograph/player or sorts, and maybe collect music across the land.
If you have the space, any instrument that's playable in-game. Pianos, banjos, guitars, etc.
For ease, you should also be able to purchase a fast travel map to have inside, either on a wall or a table.

Larger homes, or any home with a balcony of sorts, should let you go out on the balcony and enjoy the view without registering as you leaving your house. So you're still "inside"/in a safe zone even if you just wish to have an evening view outside.
I also belive it's importan that homes are not "locked" to a certain setting or theme. It should be up to the player how their home looks. Maybe they have a mid-sized home in Blackwater, but still want it to look like a hunter's cabin.
Or maybe they have a run down home in Van Horn. Still, they may want their home to not have debris and dirty floors or beds. The location and size should not be what controls the theme of the home, rather it should be the players.