I really wish they would open up the Tempest Rim town at some point, either as a DLC for story mode/epilogue, or online - or both.

I like to imagine a proper snowy town, one engulfed in snow all the time. But with proper ammenities and a fully self sufficient town. The buildings could be similar to those in Strawberry and the Wallace station, but I would have loved to see natives/indigenius (I'm non-american, please forgive any improper usage of terms etc). I find it very sad that they did not include any natives in Online, not even in Wapiti. I would have loved to see a town in Tempest Rim, with unique things such as dog sleds maybe, maybe a kennel full of huskies, snow-shoes (I believe this asset is already in-game.), maybe sleds (gotta have some fun!) too.  The NPCs would be in warmer clothing, maybe wearing more typical trapper garmets or native clothing.

Tempest Rim town should include:
- Butcher and trapper
- Saloon/Eatery with lodging and bath
- Property for sale
- Shop and barber
- A nice area to sit outside and craft at fireplace
- Indoor sitting area with minigames like Dominos ++
- Stable (but also a place to actually hitch your own horse away from the snow and cold)

Could include (but maybe not needed / not fitting for the town?)
- Fast travel
- Post office
- Gun shop

I've compiled a few pics to showcase how a town could have looked/just spitballing ideas.
I don't know what they would live off of in that area, but seems like mining and such was quite common in other snowy areas, so maybe there would have been some resources there too.